He feeds me,
lest I faint or fall or die
with food from Heaven.
He, his own self,
in wondrous mystery
to me is given.
Bouasse Lebel & Fils & Massin, Paris - Plate 1077
With the same ardor with which the Holy Patriarchs
wanted to see the Messiah, desire to receive your God;
may this desire dominate all others.   
Bouasse Lebel
That which I do not see, I believe.
The God of Angels is become man
so that man can be nourished by 
The Bread of Angels.
St, Augustine
The Generous Vine
Now, my soul burns with desire to follow You, O, my God.
Letaille, Paris
The Vine of God's own Heart
desires and implores the Sun.
She expects everything
 FROM HIM... Nothing has meaning WITHOUT HIM...
She seeks HIM ONLY.
The work pleasing to God.

When you participate in the heavenly banquet
beseech for me the Heart of the divine Bridegroom
This is My Body
Support my strength to do good.
Bouasse Lebel 3350
Take and eat, this is my body.
Take and drink, this is my blood.
Adorable Mystery

Each day I invoke Him, and with paternal care
He nourishes me with gifts offered on His altar.
Ask the Lord, always ask, ask again! 
 The Lord loves a fill those who pray! 
Bouasse Lebel 1288

You are truly the hidden God, the God of Israel, the Savior.
House of Gold, Arc of the Covenant, pray for us.
May my heart, O Mary, like that of yours,
become, through one Holy Communion,
the true House of God.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6
May your Precious Blood purify my soul.

Happy are those who quench their thirst at the Source of Life.
Bouasse Lebel

Like little birds gathering near to Jesus, He will feed us with the bread of angels.
Basset 398
The Brook lost in the River
My Lord and my God
~St. Thomas [the Apostle]

Eucharistic symbol also possibly alludes to the commentary on Sirach 13:40-42  in the writing of St. Thomas Aquinas

The Earth Revivified
The winter is past the rains have ceased, and now the flowers appear.
Song of Songs
Letaille, Paris
The Bread of God descends from heaven.

You command us to approach You with confidence.

Victim immolated for us, let us burn with unceasing love for You.

My Beloved is mine, and I am His.
Canticles 2:16
Bouasse Lebel, Paris

O Holy Eucharist!
Divine resume of the mercy and love of our Savior.

The Living God
It is through this divine touch that the cold heart comes alive and gradually experiences within itself that which befits the Heart of Jesus.
Letaille 19
The Lord wants today to fill you with His Benefits: Abandon your heart to the sweet influences of His gracious Presence.
~ Fr. François Fénelon
My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Cantical of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Luke 1:46-55)  
[Virgin Mary receiving Eucharist
from the hand of St. John]
My Beloved is mine and I am His.
He feedeth amongst the lilies.
Canticles 2:16-17

All who thirst, come to the Source
whose waters spring up from eternal life.
Bouasse Lebel, Paris #460

The Bath of the Dove
Taste and see how good is the Lord to those who love him.
Letaille, Paris

Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament

Jesus Bread of Life 
Come to me! It is the voice of Jesus who calls us, of Him who awaits us with his blessing. ~ P. de Ravignan  Bouasse-Lebel
Come, partake of the body and blood 
of the victim immolated for you; 
come and remember that this death is your life.
Nothing is sweeter after having received Jesus than to give and spread everywhere the fragrance of his virtues. ~ St. Francis de Sales.
What have I in heaven and what can I love upon earth, but Thee, O my God, the God of my heart.

This is the Divine Beverage my heart prefers to the happiness of the world.
Never forget this solemn moment when the Holy of Holies deigned to give Himself to you

That our heart, close to God, may be purified more and more until the day we are granted eternal repose.

Could "repose" be depicted any more beautifully than by this image of the love between Creator and creature?
Dear soul, here is an invention of my love: Wherever I am in the Eucharist (even in the poorest place) I want a small light to shine without ceasing so that if you passed by Me, you would say with certitude: Jesus is there ... He Think of Me. Letaille
large 18th Century holy card signed the Antwerp engraver Pierre Balthasar Bouttats (1681-1756).  Front, in Dutch  “Behold the Love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament”

Here is the Bread of Angels became the food of men, true bread of the children of God. Bread which descends from heaven and gives life to the world.
The Lord perpetuates
the memory of his wonders
He gives food  
to those who fear him.
Faith is visionary. She acknowledges her God in the chalice while the unbelieving see only worthless  nourishment.
Bouasse Lebel
The Holy Communion
Durand, Paris